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Florence Griswold dining room is priceless!

The most talked about art colony in America today is at Old Lyme, Connecticut
— Hartford Courant, 1907

Thus begins the Florence Griswold’s description of the Florence Griswold home on their website.

It is a museum very worth your time.  Located on a beautiful street on a beautiful site, order up a beautiful weather day, bring a picnic lunch and spend a good portion of your day there.   I was there on a brisk, late winter day and the new addition was closed for installation of their current exhibit, but the grounds at a fast pace were very beautiful.  I imagine you could spend the better part of the day there.

What was really stunning was the main house where the artists’ colony began and flourished – and need we say, painted!  There’s an excellent overview exhibit, with knowledgeable volunteer, in the first room on the right as you enter the back door.  Take the time to read this over and ask questions.  While there is very little original furnishings left, they have recreated several rooms to give visitors a taste of life for the artists.

The real stunner is the dining room.  Panels painted by such artists as Childe Hassam, will have you breathless.

A small piece of a larger painting in the Dining Room.


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